Ralf Dahrendorf

I. Two faces of society
....A. Consensus
........1. Parsons functionalism
............2. “utopian”—overly consensual, integrated and static
....B. Conflict—society’s “ugly face”
II. Changes in capitalism unforeseen by Marx
....A. The rise of the “joint stock” company
........1. during Marx, managers and owners were the same people
........2. now stockholders own and managers work for stockholders
............a. thus conflict not necessarily an issue of property
............b. rather conflict revolves around authority
....B. decomposition of labor
........1. Marx believed working class would become homogenous through deskilling
........2. Skill has become more varied, not less
....C. the rise of the middle class--follows from the decomposition of labor
....D. most important—the institutionalization of conflict
........1. class struggle is recognized and brought under control
........2. conflict now abides by rules and by negotiated resolutions
............a. hours, wages, working conditions negotiated by workers and management
........3. Marx believed capitalism would be unable to cope with conflict it created
II. Dialectical assumptions
....A. Synthesis of Marx, Weber, and Simmel
....B. Institutionalization involves creation of “imperatively coordinated associations (ICA)
........1. a distinguishable organization of roles
........2. some clusters of roles have power to extract conformity from other roles
............a. ruling cluster are order givers
............b. ruled cluster are order takers
........3. power relations usually legitimatedàauthority relations
............a. thus some positions have a “normative right” to dominate others
............b. occurs throughout all layers of social systems
........4. power and authority are scarce resources over which subgroups within ICAs compete and fight (homeland security, FBI, CIA, others)
....C. While roles in ICAs vary in their authority and power, any ICA can be typified as two basic types of roles – ruling and ruled
........1. ruling cluster of roles have interest in preserving status quo
........2. ruled cluster has interest in redistribution of resources
........3. under certain conditions,  awareness of contradictory interests increase
............a. similar to Marx’s idea of a “class of itself” becoming a “class for itself”
............b. technical conditions
................i. creation of leaders among subordinates
................ii. some kind of written document expressing the ideas of the group
............c. political conditions
................i. how much leeway does organization allow for an organization of opposed interests
............d. social conditions
................i. opportunities from members to communicate with one another
................ii. opportunities to recruit new members
........4. ICAs polarize into conflict groups
............a. leads to contest for authority
............b. The less technical, political and social conditions are met, the more intense the conflict
................i. more like Simmel and Marx
........5. resolution is a redistribution or resources
............a. results in a new cluster of ruling and ruled roles becoming institutionalized
........5. process recurs--unending cycle of conflict over authority
........6. conflict is the source for change in social systems