Feminist Theory

13. Daly, "Gender, Crime, and Deviance"

1. Should we strive for a gender-neutral criminologicaltheory?

2. What is the focus of a feminist criminology?

3. What is meant by gendered crime? Why is this a problem for strain theory?

4. What is the central gendered pathway of females to crime?

5. How does a feminist criminology explain the relationshipbetween gender and crime?


24. Jones, "Next Time She'll Be Dead"

1. What is the problem with the term domestic violence? Or the term wife beating? Or term battered woman?

2. What is the function of battering?

3. What twist was Jones put on the often-cited statisticthat a woman is beaten every 10 seconds?

4. Why does battering often fail?

5. How do men, in general, see violence against women?